Saturday, November 2, 2013

Bahamas Part 3: Day trip South

You can catch part 1 here and part 2 here if you missed them.
                Our cottage was perfectly located in the middle of the island. It was about an hour and a half to either end of the island, so that called for a couple day trips. In the morning, I packed up the cooler with food for lunch and we headed out.
                Our first day trip was to the southern end of the island. Brian had read some articles from The Island school in Cape Eleuthera and wanted to check it out. I didn’t know about all the research done at the school and Brian was more interested in that, but I did love all their eco friendly designs for the buildings. 

ceiling of one of the Island schools buildings, isolated with denium

kitchen, wood cabinets made from an invasive pine tree in the Bahamas and counter made from recycled parts, imported from the USA

            We also got a tour of their garden area where they grow the food they eat in the dining hall and the layout of the campus. It’s a small school with only about 50 students. It appears to be a very close community and internet is not even allowed for students on campus. This means they really dig deep into their many hands on projects. The Island school is definitely a unique experience. Each student is required to get their scuba certification, go on an 8 day kayak trip and do a 48 hour solo project during their semester. Students also train to either swim 4 miles or run a half marathon at the end of the semester, by swimming or running and doing other exercises each morning. I have to say that is quite intense!

At the school, there are always alumni returning to visit the current students and offer advice and professors that visit the campus as well. I was glad we stopped there for a tour to learn more about the island and culture.

                After our tour, it was lunch time and I was hungry, but wanted to wait until we arrived at LightHouse beach on the East side of the southern tip. However, we got a little lost trying to get there and ended up back in Rock Sound, knowing we were too far.

We decided to stop for lunch (so much for the lunch I packed, we ate that later for dinner) at a restaurant called Sammy’s Place that we read good reviews on in the guest book at the cottage. The place was definitely good. Brian got peas and rice, cole slaw and fish. I got some chicken and fries. They even happened to have a special that day of chocolate chip cookies. When we paid and asked for some chocolate chip cookies to go, the woman told us that they just had chocolate chips laying around and the cook wanted to make them. They were delicious. I had not really had many sweets all week so it was the perfect treat. I ate them too fact to take a picture. We also made a quick stop to see Ocean Hole.
ocean hole

                After our stop for lunch, we found the long 3 mile bumpy road down to LightHouse. I even got out of the jeep for a bit and walked for a few minutes because I was tired of the bumpy road. After a long, slow and bumpy 3 miles, we finally arrived at the beach. We walked around for a bit and admired the beauty of the beach. The colors of the water and the view from the lighthouse were amazing. We even ran into a teacher from the island school who was supervising the students doing their 48 hour solo project at Lighthouse beach. This is where each student does their solo project. They kayak there in 3-4 days and then for 48 hours are assigned a spot on the beach and keep to themselves. They get a stick of cheese, a bagel and an orange to eat for those 48 hours. It is a time of self reflection. They get a journal to write in, bring 2 sets of clothes, a bug net, sunscreen and a tarp and stay on the beach. The alumni student who gave us a tour said one kid built himself a golf course with coconuts and branches.
                We finally settled on an area to swim and the water was just amazing. The beaches in the Bahamas have the softest sand and the clearest water. 
where we swam at lighthouse beach


the view

the view

bridge by the lighthouse

climbing some rocks

After swimming and taking many pictures, it was time to go back down that awful 3 mile road, but it was greatest feeling when we finally saw paved road ahead and made our way back to the cottage for dinner.
the main road on the island

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